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My reflections on 2023 summer institute at Georgia State University:Shang Siyu

Author: Time:2023-12-07

Georgia State University is located in Atlanta, Georgia and was founded in 1913. It has anexcellentgeographical location and animpressiveacademic atmosphere. I have gained a lot from studying here for a month,whichnot only reflected in my studies, but alsoshowedin other aspects. In terms of learning, I chose two courses.Onewasacademic English and the otherwasmuseum art. The teacher who taughtacademic English is atraditional whiteAmerican, while the teacher taughtmuseum art is an Asian American. Both teacherswerevery friendly and patient towards their students, and I couldfeel relaxed in thisimmersingEnglish environmentthanks tothe teachers' personalities and teaching methods. Therewerebasically small class sizes over there. In addition tothreeChinese students includingme, therewerealso an international student from South Korea and three students from Georgia State University in the course of Museum Art,all of whom came from different majors:architecture, design, history, museums, literature, etc. The unique classroom installation also madepeople feel energetic.One of the classeswasabout learning knowledge related to museums.Every time the school organizedtrips to various museums, weneededto visititwith a reflective viewing attitude, in order to complete the homework assigned by the teacher. On Wednesday of the second week, the teacher gave us the museum tickets he had prepared in advance so that our classes would not be held in the classroom but in the museum. This kind of deep experiencewasindescribable. Knowledge no longer just stayedin textbooks but became a space for us to experience. This learning experiencewasunforgettable, and this teaching methodwasindeed worth promoting. Academic English teachers also adopteda similar approach. Every Thursday, wewentto a specific place to communicate with different people andexperienceAmerican culture. This not onlycultivatedourindependence, but alsoimprovedour oral and listening skills. The beautiful town of Decatur and theawe-inspiringMartin Luther King Memorial both became beautiful and unforgettable memories for me. The kindness and friendliness of the teachers made me feel relaxed. They corrected my pronunciation and slowed downtheirspeaking speed when they noticed that I couldn't hear,andrepeatedit to me.

In life, I havegainedsomuch. The most important thingwasthat I gained a full friendship and once again felt the warmth of the collective. Thereweresix studentsin totalfrom CuiyingHonorsCollege who participated in this summer exchange, and they basically stayed together from departure to return. Everyone hadtheir own strengths.Mutual care andsincerecompanionshipmadethe progress of this tripsmooth. On weekends, we wentshopping at themuseums and supermarkets for manyingredients. During thistime, friendly Korean roommates integrated with us, participating in activities, attending classes, shopping, and cooking together. Therefore, even though we were abroad, we still felt warm and happy. My Korean roommate sawme as her younger sister andtookgood care of me everywhere. We also communicatedand discussedvarious things together. I feel that compared to Chinese people, people thereweremore relaxed, without appearance anxiety or body anxiety. Although the obesity ratewashigh, everyoneshoweda state of confidence. In such an environment, I wouldno longer feel worried because confidenceand relax made me beautiful. Of course, the United Stateswasindeed a country thatpursuedindividuality extremely, and everyone's clothingwasvery distinctive. But overall, the security in the United Stateswasnot as good assecurityin China. Thereweremany black people in our neighborhood, and we alsoencounteredhomeless people every step of the way. At first, I didn't dare to walk alone and needed tobeaccompanied bybuddies.

Atlantawasa great city. On weekends, the school tookus to visit the Atlanta Aquarium,Coca-ColaWorld, Atlanta Zoo, and more. The experienceswereall very enjoyable, with temperatures slightly higher than Lanzhou,andthejust finehumidity. The vegetation coveragewashigh, making it a "city in the forest". On the day before leaving here, a senior who graduated from Cuiying and studied at Georgia Institute of Technology invited us to visithis school. It rained heavily that day, and although we got wet, everyone was still very happy and experienced the environment and atmosphere of another world-renownedinstitution.

I want to show my heartfelt gratitudetoCuiying HonorsCollege for providing us with thisinvaluableopportunity, as well asMissDu for her guidanceand assistance. I think thisis reallya very unforgettable experience.

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