The College is preparing to take an in-process inspection of the student innovation projects which were set up in 2018 or 2019. The issues are as follows:
1. Schedule
File collection from Sep.7 to Sep.14.
2. Detailed requirements
(1) The project leader shall fill the form called “Evaluation form of in-process inspection of Cuiying Student Innovation Project” .After signed by tutor, the leader shall prepare 3 paper copies and send the digital file The paper copies shall be delivered to the college’s office of students’ affairs.
(2) Not taking part in the inspection means discontinuation of the project.
3. Inspection requirements
(1)The professionals shall fill in the score charts carefully according to the process of the project.
(2)The professionals shall give inspection result in Excellent, Good, Normal or Failed.
4.About the inspection result
(1) Project which is ranked “Excellent” or “Good” will be continually sponsored by the college.
(2) Project which is ranked “Normal” will be forced to go under a rectification process. Projects which passed the inspection will be continually sponsored by the college, otherwise it will be unsponsored and suspended.
(3)Project which is ranked “Failed” will be unsponsored.
Contact information: Miss Wu, telephone:8913380
Cuiying Honors College
September 4th, 2020
(Translated by Jia Shengyi; proofread by Lai Baojun)