At the invitation of the School of Physics and Technology and Cuiying College, Professor Liu Zhengyou from Wuhan University came to our school for exchanges and gave academic reports. Teachers and students are welcome to attend!
Report title: Topological States in Phononic Crystals
Time:2020-11-23, 9:00
Location: Room 1201 in Ligong Building
Topological state of matter is the current research hotspot in the field of condensed matter and material physics. Phononic crystals are artificial materials with periodic structures, in which phonon states or acoustic wave states can also have topological properties. This report will introduce several topological states in phononic crystals, including valley states, Dirac semi-metals, Weyl semi-metals, Nodal line/surface semi-metals and topological insulators, etc., as well as the boundary states and topological characteristics of various topological phases.
Liu Zhengyou, winner of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, Changjiang Scholar Distinguished Professor of the Ministry of Education, and a leader in the National Ten Thousand Talents Program. In 1986, 1989 and 1993, he received his bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees from the Department of Physics of Wuhan University. From July 1993 to April 2001, he served as a lecturer, associate professor, and professor in the Department of Applied Physics, South China University of Technology. From April 2001 until now, he has been a professor in the School of Physics and Technology of Wuhan University. Visited research at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Italy, the Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Department of Physics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manitoba, Canada. Published more than 200 papers in journals such as Science, Nature, Nat. Phys., Nat. Mater., Nat. Commun., PRL, Sci. Adv., Google Scholars has more than 11,000 citations, and a single paper has the highest citation More than 3000 times. The research results have been selected as one of the Top Ten Research Highlights of Physics in PhysicsWeb (2000), the research highlights of Nature Physics, the editor's recommendation of Physical Review Letters, and the special reports on Nature and Physics World. He was awarded the Second Prize of National Natural Science (2010) and the Brillouin Prize of the International Phononic Society (2015).
(Translated by Heyipeng, proofread by Bian Yujing and Li Shuowen)