Cuiying Honors College (CHC) has carried on the summer session for 6 weeks, from July 7 to August 18 , which mainly contains courses, lectures, quality development, social practice and field practice for pre-admitted students, who are the first-years in CHC. And other activities such as summer camp and exchange to foreign universities were also included in summer session’s procedure for the seniors. We aim to expand students’scientific vision and contribute to communication of different subjects by this summer session. We invited 9 famous oversea professors from all over the world and , 28 well-known professors in China to give variety of lectures and curriculum in different field.
In order to further strengthen practical skills education, enhance teamwork ability among students, and cultivate the feelings of home and the west, the college has held Xinglong mountain quality development activity, social cultural practice of "Nation and Folk Custom" in Linxia base, and field practice of 2018 biology class.
Furthermore, in summer school, many students also participated scientific training or summer camp in some outstanding universities like Peking University and Tsinghua University.