At the invitation of Lanzhou University's School of Physics, Cuiying College and Theoretical Physics Exchange Platform, researcher Wan Baonian from Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences visited and gave an academic report in recent days. Teachers and students are welcome to participate!
Speaker: Researcher Wan Baonian
Title: The development history and prospects of magnetic confinement fusion research
Time: 15:00 on November 26, 2020
Location: 1001, Gezhi Building
Contact: Liu Xiang
Report summary: Fusion energy is safe, clean, and resource-rich, and is the ideal energy source pursued by mankind. Since the successful explosion of the hydrogen bomb in 1952 and the demonstration of the tremendous power of fusion energy, achieving the peaceful use of controllable fusion energy has become a common dream pursued by mankind. Magnetic confinement is one of the main ways to realize controllable fusion. The process of more than 60 years has greatly promoted the development of plasma physics while developing the science and technology of magnetic confinement fusion. This report will focus on the development process of magnetic confinement fusion research, the basic principles and important progress of magnetic confinement fusion, the challenges faced by the international thermonuclear fusion experimental reactor ITER, which is under construction and about to be operated, and how to face these challenges , The progress in the research of steady-state highly confined plasma operation mode carried out on the EAST of my country’s all-superconducting tokamak.
Resume: Professor Wan Baonian, former director of the Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, is currently the chief scientist. He has been engaged in the physical diagnosis and experimental research of magnetically confined plasma for a long time, presided over the physical experiment of the superconducting Tokamak magnetic confinement fusion experimental device HT-7/EAST, and led the team on high-efficiency radio frequency wave heating/current drive, high-constraint maintenance, and stability The scientific and technological issues that restrict the stable operation of high confinement and boundaries have been systematically studied, and the first to develop a stable high confinement plasma steady-state operation mode on the superconducting Tokamak EAST experimental device in my country has promoted the magnetic confinement fusion Study the development from pulse to steady state.
(Translated by Shu Rongyup,Proofread by Li Zeyang)